Birthday: Sept 14, 1980
Occupation: US ARMY Soldier
Hometown: Asheboro, North Carolina
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: BREAKFAST FOOD!!!!
Favorite Movie: Napoleon Dynamite (to my wife's dismay)
Hobbies: Playing with his kids, Cycling, Golf, Surfing, Household Mr. Fix-It.
What He Wants To Be When He Grows Up: A Walmart Greeter
Random Fun Fact: I am the King of Bocce Ball...wanna challenge me in a game???
Name: Jessi, Wife, Momma
Occupation: Full-Time Mommy and Part Time Children's Ministry Director
Hometown: Asheboro, North Carolina
Favorite Color: Green or maybe purple, or green....or purple..Favorite Food: San Felipe Chicken and Cheese, Thai Food, Purple Bag Skittles
Favorite Movie: Hope Floats, Elizabethtown, Rent
Hobbies: Playing with her kids, Reading, Chalk Painting--Furniture Re-dos, making wood signs, photography
What She Wants To Be When She Grows Up: A Bed and Breakfast Owner, CEO of a Non-Profit Teenage Pregnancy Help Center, a flight attendant, a pre-k special ed teacher, a newspaper collumnist, a lactation consultant, and maybe a Queen too! Random Fun Fact: My first ever concert was Reba McEntire, and it rocked. Fancy is and always will be the best ever country song.
Name: Nora, Sister, Norabird, Princess
Birthday: November 30, 2009
Occupation: Full-Time Kid
Hometown: Army Brat--2nd Home and Counting, born in HI
Favorite Color: Pink, Purple, Lt. Blue
Favorite Food: Turkey and Cheese Sandwiches, Mac-n-Cheese, Ice Cream and Cupcakes
Favorite Movie: FrozenHobbies: Dancing, Dress-Up, Singing, Painting/Drawing
What She Wants To Be When She Grows Up: Artist
Random Fun Fact: She wants her hair to be as long as Rapunzel...Momma's not so sure!
Birthday: November 30, 2009
Occupation: Full-Time Kid
Hometown: Army Brat-2nd Home and Counting, born in HI
Favorite Color: Blue and Green
Favorite Food: Pancakes
Favorite Movie: Batman Lego Movie
Hobbies: Legos, Reading, and TaeKwonDo
What He Wants To Be When He Grows Up: Police Officer
Random Fun Fact: I like figure out how everything works... and can't help myself from taking things apart
Name: Davison Luke Burns, Davis, Buckshot, LittleD
Birthday: September 21, 2012
Occupation: Born in NC but an Army Brat in Training
Hometown: Army Brat
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Food: Pancakes
Favorite Movie: Mickey Mouse
Hobbies: playing superheroes and trains
What He Wants To Be When He Grows Up: Captain America
Random Fun Fact: I. NEVER. STOP. TALKING
Name: Macky Aaron Burns, Macky Mack, Baby Macky
Birthday: January 7, 2015
Occupation: Full Time Baby
Hometown: Born in NC--but an Army Brat in training
Favorite Color: What's a color?
Favorite Food: Mommy's Milk of Course
Favorite Movie: Huh?
Hobbies: Eating, Sleeping, Pooping.... the usual
What He Wants To Be When He Grows Up: Maybe President?
Random Fun Fact: I snort like a pig when i'm upset