Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Grandfather Mountain

We debated a little bit about whether to go here verses do something else more exciting for kids like Linville Caverns or gem mining.  I'm so glad we stuck with Grandfather Mountain.  I have lots of memories coming here as a kid with my grandparents and it was fun to experience it with my own kids.  Holden has also told us numerous time that "climbing the mountain" was his favorite part of our trip. 

Crossing the bridge was no big deal to the kiddos and the did really well climbing around on all the rocks.  For obvious reasons Davis was stuck in the pack for this whole activity, which he wasn't too thrilled about..he wasn't fussy, he just wanted to get down and kept telling us about it!

and wasn't it the most beautiful and clear day?  



 love this picture with my all my faves! 

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