Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thanksgiving Prep

In preparation for Thanksgiving...

the twins having been learning in school about Pilgrams, Indians, and such...

They got in my car that afternoon and when i asked them about their Indian headdresses/feathers they looked at me funny and said they were pirates.  hmm...i thought to myself they are obviously confused between Thanksgiving and Halloween.  We had been watching lots of Peter Pan movies and Jake and the Neverland Pirates leading up to Halloween, so that's understandable, yes?

 Then while my pirate/indians were eating their lunch, i was going thru the kids backpacks looking at all their "makes" as nora calls them and came across this.  
We always talk about what they learned/made for the day and when i asked them about this ear of corn, Nora exclaimed it was a chicken and Holden said an was at this point that i came to the conclusion they WERE NOT listening in school today.  you think? 

 in other related news,  Nanny Katie sent a fun bday/thanksgiving present...with 2 more Thanksgiving hats to add to the collection.   the cooked turkey really is my favorite...every time they wear it i get tickled all over again. 

and here is last year's hat if you don't remember. 
i can't imagine what next year's hat might be..a turkey baster? or a honey baked ham?  

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