Wow, I am really behind...about a week and a half ago we decided to go hiking on one of our favorite hikes--Maunawili Trail which takes you to Maunawili Falls, one of the best waterfalls on this island. It's 1.5 miles in to the falls, not too bad a hike and we really thought we could do it easily with the babies. So, Hillary and I met up with our friend Jenny and her sister who was in town visiting, Morgan. We all have babies, minus Morgan, which was perfect--she could carry Nora! We set off on our hike and very quickly we noticed it was muddier than usual. By the time we got to the first creek crossing, we all individually thought we should just turn around and head back because it was so slippery, but since none of us would be the ones to wimp out we just kept going. It took a LONG time to get to the falls, and about halfway in i thought we were going to be eat alive my mosquitoes. We did score some repellent from a neighboring hiker for the babies, which i would usually be very against...but at this point we were MUCH more worried about the bites.
Even though the hike was super tricky and maybe not the best idea, when we did reach the falls all that rain that made the hike a slippery mess made the waterfall the biggest i have ever seen it. PERFECT for swimming and jumping from!
Thankfully the sun came back out on our way back and helped dry up some of the slippery spots and chase the mosquitoes away. It was a memorable day, i'm glad we did it, but i most likely won't be doing it again anytime soon!
Here we go...onto the beaten path

first creek crossing--Hillary, Morgan and Jenny

me and HRB--one of the few times he was actually awake

Hill and Jack

NGB's ride--Auntie Morgan

a nice man helping us across

reaching the falls, there were a lot of people there this day

first view of the falls

Hill and Morgan getting ready to jump

Jenny and I waving from the waterfall...there are higher spots...but that's not really my thing!

There I Go!

with my kiddos

HRB asleep

sloshing through the mud and the muck

Morgan, Nora, Jenny and Caedmon

more crossings

sleepy, cuddly Jack

a nice view! check out HRB totally sacked out
Major BIG WOW! XOXOXXO Auntie Beth
Not sure how Hillary didn't fall over forward..haha. Looks like an adventure. Can't wait to take fetus on hikes in WA.
Ya'll are some kick-butt mamas (and auntie) very cool!
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