Saturday, August 6, 2011

Micky Dees

We're actually camping this weekend...supposedly for 2 nights, although the weather says there will be rain. we'll see what happens.

but i would never leave you without a blog to read! so in honor of our usual Saturday Morning routine, here are some pics from last weekend's McDonald's trip.

The kiddos had been sick and we all got out of bed pretty late...late enough that we didn't actually make McD's breakfast. Oops. So instead they had their first Happy Meals! I believe Mike and I were actually much more excited about this than they were. They got chicken nuggets, milk, apples and french fries. Neither one even wanted their french fries. haha. totally didn't get that from me or mike! they also got smurfs. i'm pretty sure if i went digging through my old laundry basket of happy meal toys, i would find an toy identical to the one we got last week. When did i miss that Smurfs were back in?

Anyway, that's it really. Think of us while we are out camping with 2 silly little ones--and pray for some good weather for us please!

this is my most favorite picture because HRB reached over and stole a fry from Mike's tray while we were trying to take the picture. Such a Stinker!

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