First I would like to tell you a funny about my kiddos.
Saturday morning we went straight to the commissary to get some food, since after 7 weeks of being gone, the cupboards are frighteningly empty. *a shout out to my girl, MB for getting a few of the necessities for us before we got home, You Rock! *
Anyway as I was saying, we were at the commissary and all was going well when about halfway through Nora starts whining. It was a busy morning at the store, as most Saturdays are so I had been much more focused on weaving in and out of the crowds and getting my food in the cart than I was worried about what the kiddos were doing while safely strapped in their stroller. Wrong again Mommy.
I look down to see what Nora is fussing about and she is trying to get a hold of a half-eaten pear that Holden has somehow acquired along the way. First of all, i have no idea when Holden got the pear or from where. Second of all he was a complete mess. Thirdly, he had eaten it from the top skinny part down, meaning that he ate the stem as well as the core.
So, what's a mom to do in this situation? Just go back and get the other kiddo a pear so she'll stop whining and deal with the mess once we're back to the car.
It was a good plan really. Nora really just picked at hers though, but was happy none the less. and by the time we got to the check out counter, Holden didn't have one scrap to show for the pear he just ate..minus the mush all over his outfit. He literally ate every single part. Don't worry though, we did find the little sticker in his seat though, i guess he didn't think it tasted that good.
I will say though that this was the messiest i have EVER seen one of my kids and the fact that we were out in public was a bit embarrassing. Holden was definitely that DIRTY kid that you see when you are out in a store and then look at their parent like "seriously?? can't you take proper care of your kid?" yep. that was us. I really felt like i needed to explain the situation to whoever gave us the funny eye.
Needless to say Holden rode home in his skivvies.
Enjoy the pictures.
Nora whining about Brother's pear
Holden worried i'm gonna take it away
trying it out
This is hilarious! Glad you are home safely!
Nora's butt cut is an interesting new do:)
That is too cute! Everyone has one of thoses messy kid moments!
made me laugh. i needed that tonight. thanks!!
ok Jessi...this is too funny! I love it that you documented the moment so years from now you can show Holden :)
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