Friday, August 6, 2010

I'm a superb plumber, and you definitely can't afford me

so my house is you know. and i hate to be the kind of woman who thinks they need a man to do certain things. and the honest truth is, i don't need a man, but i sure do want one, especially when it has to do with gross household things. but alas, the husband is gone and you know what they say... "absence makes a head grow larger" well, maybe they don't say that...but i am an excellent plumber now...just see below!

i cloth diaper, but i'm sure you know that too. cloth diapering is pretty easy-peesy until you start feeding your little munchkins real food---which i debated just never doing to avoid the whole yucky transition poop stage...but i'll save that for another blog another day...back to me being an awesome plumber... there is a tool that is the saving grace of any cloth diapering mom, it's called a Diaper Sprayer, creative i know. Thing is, this diaper sprayer must somehow attach itself to the toilet...that is where i come in. Super Plumber Mom.... with my sidekick Auntie Direction Reader of course.

First i go to Home Depot, swoop over to the plumbing aisle and proceed to explain to my fellow plumber afficianado about the "bendy tube thingy that goes between the toliet and wall". Of course he knows exactly what i need, that's why i am exiting the store with 2 different parts just so i don't have to waste my precious billable time going back to this hardware meca.

and here i am with the old part... Evidence No. 1: Non Bendy Tube Thingy
and then with the new part...Evidence No 2: Bendy Tube Thingy

Here i am showing you how Bendy Tube Thingy attaches to the wall. Please disregard the towel on the floor. Of course i knew to turn the water off before starting...any qualified plumber would know to do that!

and this is the tape that we plumbers use that is interestingly enough, not sticky, which doesn't quite deserve to be called tape if you ask me. my friendly neighborhood hardware employee graciously handed my this jewel to purchase as well promising me that it would be needed.

WRONG. Thankfully my sidekick Auntie Direction Reader stepped in to announce that the un-sticky tape is a definitely DO NOT USE for this diaper sprayer. See my skilled unwrapping below.
and with a few million steps in between, here is the wonderfully beautiful, perfectly assembled, expertly constructed --Diaper Sprayer doohickey
what great force this sprayer is able function at!
and here we are... Plumber be seen in all man-less homes across the world, in the not-so-near future.
and for all you skeptics who want to know if it is still working, of course! Except of course for that day that my refrigerator stopped working and my washing machine went ka-plooey. That was the day that the Diaper Sprayer and all its glory decided to have a rampant leak all over my floors. BUT this is where i must proclaim .."it's NOT my fault!"
as plumbering is traditionally a manly profession, some of the tightening required of the nuts and bolts are just not suitable for a woman's hands (even though i have often stressed that my own hands were a bit manly). It's okay, i gathered all the tools that i could find that looked appropriate for the job and squeezed and twisted and tightened until it could be done no more. I DARE YOU TO LEAK AGAIN!
okay. just kidding. please don't leak again. if you do i may cry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow--Great job! Awesome idea, well worth the hassel. (just wait for the kids to find it and work it by themselves!)yes, they will get into everything xoxoxxo Auntie Beth