Here's Nora's ride for the day. I feel like i can watch her grow through pictures of her in this carrier. There was a time where you couldn't even see her head inside it and now look at her! Just like everything else, Nora and Holden are night and day when it comes to their carriers. Nora loves to face outward and watch everything. When we hike she stays alert almost the whole time and you have to turn her into your body and hold her close, almost forcing her to take a nap...there's just so much to look at she can't stand missing anything. Holden on the other hand, rides in my moby wrap curled up against my back and falls asleep about .5 seconds after i start walking. Who knows how with all the rough movements, but he basically sleeps the entire time.

Our Hiking Caravan...can you see HRB on my back?
stopping at the cool trees/archway, yep HRB is already knocked out on my back

we made it to the falls...i know it doesn't look like much, its very tall, and the size of it depends on how much it has rained

the group again
the girls playing in the cool trees
What a fun day!

we made it to the falls...i know it doesn't look like much, its very tall, and the size of it depends on how much it has rained

the group again

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