i'm having a blogging block and i haven't pulled my camera out in forever. i dunno why. but here's to the phone camera for reminding me and you both what this family has been up to.
Nora helping me put away the dishes. She's pretty darn good at it too and she LOVES to help.
I REALLY LOVE THIS PHOTO. although it is of HRB in timeout. not that we really call it that, but essentially that's what's happening. we happened to have an air mattress in the living room that had not been put up yet, and so timeout was a little funnier than usual.
just the coolest "pretty" ever
torturing the kitty...i have no idea why but Oliver (the kitty) just keeps coming back for more, no matter how many timse HRB tries to ride him, or smash him to the ground or hit him with shoes or pull him by his tail around the house. As of last week Oliver even started coming upstairs the same time each night to do our nighttime routine together and get his goodnight kisses.
for easter they got one of gymboree's bubble blowers. they are the best bubbles on the planet and the kids love to go outside and play with them
the lone bubble
catching bubbles
HRB isn't the only one in timeout these days...Nora is very partial to a few of her toys and has a hard time sharing with her brother. sometimes its hard to be a mommy...just look at that face asking for her toy back!
after timeout make-up "sorry brother"

As happy as we are to be moving back to the East Coast and reveling in its glorious seasons...i'm gonna miss this. Never-Ending Beautiful Days. For now i'm just trying to sit on my front porch and enjoy the view while i still have it.
I had a "Mommy Day" last Friday. It really should be called a Jessi Day though. Since being a mommy was exactly what i was NOT doing. My husband gave me the day off. I went out and layed on a deserted beach and read a book, went to Starbucks for yummy fall coffee, ate at my favorite sushi place, went shopping with a friend for a REALLY LONG TIME, and then brought dinner and a movie home to my husband kissed my already in bed kiddos night night and had a wonderful date night at home with my hubby. Pretty Perfect Day.

We went to a brithday party for a little girl at our church this past weekend. Nora fell in love with the kitchen. I intend to get her one just as soon as we move and have some room for one. She was so cute and new exactly what to do like she had been watching me cook or something for the past year or so ;)
this is a group shot from the party minus a few...like the wandering girl int he background...and HRB! who was too busy riding the horsey to participate in saying "cheese".
cuteness Jessi. Looks fun. Sharing the blogging block, or rather lack of time to do a really great one.
I like that you have a favorite sushi place. :)
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