This Monday we went back to the beach to try it again. This time we met up with some new friends. Jenny, Jason and their 10 mo. old son, Caedmon, just arrived on island 2 weeks ago. We all had fun and the babies spent a lot more time in the water and best of all was NO CRYING!
Here's Holden trying out "the float"

i just think he couldn't be cuter than when he's in his beach outfit...and the paci clipped to his head really tops off the outfit (notice it in all the other pics!)

just swimming around

the boys...

Caedmon was really interested in Holden's shades

Nora needed a little nap while we were there, so mommy sat at the waters edge and held her...
a sunbathing queen! of course we had her lathered in 50 SPF

i finally convinced her that the water was better than a nap...she's thinking about it

"look at me!" standing in the sand and water

two cool babies just hanging out on the beach!
They are so quick! Second time at the beach and they really are taking it in and did not seem taken back this time. I just love it! Seeing them outside and enjoying it! Cool dude and the bathing beauty! XOXOX's
I'm telling you. Nora is a true beauty.
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