and how do i know you ask?
Well, the first tip off was in the beginning of October when the snowmen and Christmas tree decorations were hung up in the parking lot of Pearl Highlands Shopping Centre. Forget Halloween and Thanksgiving!

the second tip off was yesterday's commissary trip when i found this yummy treat!
and the last well because i just bought these!

Yep, we're flying in to NC on December 8. This time we are planning to stay for about 7 weeks. So hopefully there will be plenty of time to see everyone and actually enjoy the holiday season without so much rushing! I actually don't have tickets back to Hawaii yet-- but don't get any ideas family, I will have to come back to Hawaii eventually--We gotta Daddy/Husband to see in February for R&R!
I also saw christmas stuff before halloween! Although i have to say i am in the holiday spirit for some reason lately! Kev will up back and forth to NC for job stuff so i'm sure he may try to come see you and the babies (who really are beginning to be more like toddlers)! love you guys!
Can't wait to meet H&N. Can you tell I'm catching up on your blog?!
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