Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Love for Books

My prayer is that this will be a lasting friendship...my children and their books. Reading has always been a part of who i am....my way to learn, my source of entertainment, and my escape. I only hope that my children will grow up to appreciate literature the way that i do!

Here's a pic of Mike on Skype--its what we were doing while the kiddos were reading. We hadn't skyped since we we left Hawaii to go home for Christmas, so it was nice to "hang out" for the morning, even though it was actually late night for Mike and he had an early morning ahead. He must love us!
And another little extra cause its so darn cute! my Lulu, being her usual self


Jennifer said...

1, the cubbies look great! Do you like them?
2. I love the tents at the beach! Smart mom!
3; Holden's face(s) in the pics of the three of you at home crack me up. The fake cry, and the one where he's poking Nora... good stuff!


Anonymous said...

It warms my heart too, Jessi - for all the same reasons!

Aunt Diane