Honestly, Valentines Day is one of those days i can take or leave. I don't really have any big feelings on it either way. I don't despise it as lots of people claim to, but i also don't look forward to it because in the 12 valentines days that i could have spent with my sweetie, we can really only remember spending 2 together. Eh. That's pathetic.
With that in mind, today would have definitely rank in the top 3 of my MOST FAVORITE Valentine's Days EVER. I was finally able to spend it with 2 very important loves of my life!
First we went to the beach, because what else are you supposed to do on
Vday? ;) We even took our new
tunnel/tents. This was the perfect thing to take to the beach. I can't believe my kids are big enough now to actually play at the beach. Whoa, when did that happen?

she's so beautiful!

face plant= awesome sand decorations

Then it was home for a whopping FOUR HOUR NAP....Hallelujah! Mommy and Auntie got plenty of time for a movie, lunch, showers and naps. Then when the babies finally did wake up, i decided that i wasn't cooking, so we packed up and braved the crowds at
Chillis. We let the babies open their cards up here. This was their favorite....Singing cards are awesome! Check out Holden's "study" face!

Nora was very interested in her princess book from Grandma and Grandpa

Auntie Megan and her valentine, Nora.

Mommy and her Valentine, Holden....doesn't he look so grown up here?

and then when we got home, of course i had to take some pictures. and of course they wouldn't sit still for any of it!

Nora and Mommy giving Holden kisses.

Daddy sent Nora flowers!

i'm sure you didn't notice, so let me point it out....the shirt Nora is wearing this year, is actually the same shirt she wore last
Vday too!

We just used it as a dress! Look at how much she's changed!
Hope you all had a good day too!
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