What's been going on lately??
Well, our Princess Norabird is still a skinny minnie weighing in at 19.1 lbs and measuring at 30 in tall.
-She's such a funny little girl. She has mastered walking, and the walk is getting faster and faster--i'm expecting a run anytime now.
-She loves to carry things around the house. Magnets, purses, dish rags, empty boxes, diapers...you name it. Give her something and she will walk around the room and bring something else back to you. It's her favorite game.
-She is starting to follow simple directions. I can ask her to bring me something and most of the time, she will do it--although she will get distracted sometimes and i have to remind her of the task.
-Nora loves to snuggle, especially first thing in the morning or when she is getting tired.
-She has 10 teeth and 2 more almost out.
-She knows that "pretties" are in the bows in her hair and whenever you say the word she reaches up to touch her head. She also tries to brush her hair whenever she can get a hold of her brush or comb.
-She knows shoes go on your feet and brings people their shoes all the time. If she finds her own shoes she brings them to me to put on her feet.
-Nora is learning some simple signs--right now we are working on "more" and "drink".
-Nora is adding a lot of words to her vocabulary. We have: car, duck, cat, ball, dog, quack, pa (paci), shoe, fish, brother, momma, dada.
-Nora is also very cautious in most things she does and is scared easily.
-She is super emotional with very high highs and very low lows.
-She's silly and has little giggle spells that crack me up and when she is very tired she gets 'slap happy'.
-She LOVES to Skype. If she sees me turn on the computer she runs over and begs for me to pick her up so she can talk to the computer. Such a social butterfly already!
My Handsome Holden had a HUGE growth spurt over Christmas. He is now 24 lbs and 33 in tall.
-She knows shoes go on your feet and brings people their shoes all the time. If she finds her own shoes she brings them to me to put on her feet.
-Nora is learning some simple signs--right now we are working on "more" and "drink".
-Nora is adding a lot of words to her vocabulary. We have: car, duck, cat, ball, dog, quack, pa (paci), shoe, fish, brother, momma, dada.
-Nora is also very cautious in most things she does and is scared easily.
-She is super emotional with very high highs and very low lows.
-She's silly and has little giggle spells that crack me up and when she is very tired she gets 'slap happy'.
-She LOVES to Skype. If she sees me turn on the computer she runs over and begs for me to pick her up so she can talk to the computer. Such a social butterfly already!
My Handsome Holden had a HUGE growth spurt over Christmas. He is now 24 lbs and 33 in tall.
-Sometimes he can be so mellow and chill, other times he is stoic and pensive and then for a complete 180 he can be a COMPLETE drama king. He has mastered the fake cry and it's as funny as it is irritating. -He's a bit of a perfectionist, and will do the same thing a hundred times until he's mastered it....like shutting a door, spinning a wheel, or saying a word.
-He has 9 teeth and working on one more molar and when you stick your finger in his mouth beware HE WILL BITE!-He LOVES men, especially Daddy. If there is a man in the room, that is where he wants to be.
-Holden is an explorer. He's fearless and doesn't mind being alone. He's the kid I have to constantly watch. He's always into something he's not supposed to be in or trying to escape.
-Holden can function on little sleep which is great when we have a busy day, but if i lay him down he can sleep for hours, which i also really love about him.
-Every morning i go into the room he has thrown everything in his reach all over the place. I try to remember to move everything out of the way but sometimes I forget and in the morning there are diapers thrown about the room, toys all over the floor, pictures off the wall and a camera monitor hanging out of his mouth...all the while he has a HUGE grin on his face like "look what i did for you momma!"
-Holden has decided he likes pacifiers again. He's not dependant or anything, but if he's sees Nora with one he gets upset if he doesn't have one too. It's like he thinks he's doing something special when he has one.
-He is walking pretty steadily now, still puts both hands in the air while doing it though, which i just love. He crawls if he wants to go somewhere fast and is also learning the art of climbing.
-He has a few words...momma, dada, ball and car are regulars, but once in a while he will say something pretty clearly, like "big boy", more, and dog. Like everything else, it seems he only does something when he is confident he CAN do it...crawling, walking, talking....he takes his time, but gets it right very quickly once he tries it.

I am truly enjoying this stage in their life. It's like you can literally sit back and watch them grow and learn. They are sweet and innocent, just babies still, but at the same time they are so grown up and independent from how they were just a year ago. I just love them so much and am so thankful for these two precious children the Lord has blessed me with.
-He has 9 teeth and working on one more molar and when you stick your finger in his mouth beware HE WILL BITE!-He LOVES men, especially Daddy. If there is a man in the room, that is where he wants to be.
-Holden is an explorer. He's fearless and doesn't mind being alone. He's the kid I have to constantly watch. He's always into something he's not supposed to be in or trying to escape.
-Holden can function on little sleep which is great when we have a busy day, but if i lay him down he can sleep for hours, which i also really love about him.
-Every morning i go into the room he has thrown everything in his reach all over the place. I try to remember to move everything out of the way but sometimes I forget and in the morning there are diapers thrown about the room, toys all over the floor, pictures off the wall and a camera monitor hanging out of his mouth...all the while he has a HUGE grin on his face like "look what i did for you momma!"
-Holden has decided he likes pacifiers again. He's not dependant or anything, but if he's sees Nora with one he gets upset if he doesn't have one too. It's like he thinks he's doing something special when he has one.
-He is walking pretty steadily now, still puts both hands in the air while doing it though, which i just love. He crawls if he wants to go somewhere fast and is also learning the art of climbing.
-He has a few words...momma, dada, ball and car are regulars, but once in a while he will say something pretty clearly, like "big boy", more, and dog. Like everything else, it seems he only does something when he is confident he CAN do it...crawling, walking, talking....he takes his time, but gets it right very quickly once he tries it.
I am truly enjoying this stage in their life. It's like you can literally sit back and watch them grow and learn. They are sweet and innocent, just babies still, but at the same time they are so grown up and independent from how they were just a year ago. I just love them so much and am so thankful for these two precious children the Lord has blessed me with.
1 comment:
I am SOO proud of you and them!!!=)
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