We're at Auntie Sarah's and all tucked in. Tsunami Party Number 2.
Hopefully we'll wake up to nothing in the morning. With the countdown clock on the local news channel saying 1:06:22 i just don't think i can make it. It's been SUCH A LONG DAY. So Goodnight. I'll Update in the morning. Hopefully.
Our love & prayers! I spy 2 beautiful slumber mates! love Auntie Beth
SO glad to hear that you are tucked in at a safe place! I just heard the news and am praying for all of you - Mike included too!
Keep us posted - lots of love is being sent your way. and hoping the damage is minimal in Hawaii!
Thinking and Praying for you all, Jessi. What sweet faces you have to keep you smiling.
We are praying for you guys and everyone on that side of the world. Please keep us updated :)
Your children have cartoon characters on their clothing. Just thought you should know.
I didn't worry about you this morning. I thought about you, and thought, That's gotta be MISERABLE. But I didn't worry because I knew you had safe places to go.
Love you!
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