Yep. It's officially just me and my little ones. I really am blessed beyond measure to have so many wonderful friends who have been able to come stay with me over the deployment--Hillary, Carrie, Jenn (for 4 months!), and then Megan. You guys have been great. I am also blessed to have been able to go home for the holidays for as long as i could. It was great to spend that time with my family and give them the chance to hang out with the twins.
But now, it's just us 3--at least until May when we hopefully will be getting another visitor. We'll be fine, i know. The kiddos are at a great age--everyday is fun with them. It's just hard to not have adult interaction everyday, to have the full weight of responsibilty on my shoulders day in and day out, and the logistics of course of just getting in and out of the house, grocery shopping, running errands, etc. Let's face it. It's always easier with help. Still like i said, i was so lucky to have had help for this long. What's a few months, yes?
Anyway...i'd like to say another thanks to Megan for coming and hanging out with us. You were a great help and a lot of fun and we will all 5 miss you (yep, the cats too!) Love you Auntie Meg!

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