Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Day Daddy!

I tried to teach Holden to say Happy Father's Day, but it usually just ended up Happy Day!  with an occasionally "daddy" on the end.  i actually love it.  He walked around all day saying "Happy Day".  How could anyone not have a good day hearing that???

This weekend was Daddy's weekend.  He requested to just spend time together doing things around the  house.  That we can do!  Saturday the kids played on the porch (better than i think i've ever seen the two of them play), i sat in the chair, taking pictures and laughing, and Daddy put our porch together.   

 just fyi: Holden is not in timeout...he's being silly and hiding from the camera
 daddy gets in on the love
 The kids and Mike also planted some vegetables and herbs in pots.  Although we would really like to have a garden, with everything going on this month and still trying to get settled, it just wasn't possible to get it done in time, so we we settled for a few of our favorites in pots on the porch with a promise to do more next year ;)

 Then on Sunday we did our usual church/nap routine and then went to a new Bible Study group that night, but we also took a little time to celebrate Daddy--both with a yummy steak/ribs lunch at Texas Roadhouse and with some cards and gifts later in the day. 
 taking presents to Daddy
notice Holden had the "heavier haul" 
 finally making it to the door

 silly time with daddy

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