Thursday, December 16, 2010

Gingerbread Houses and Such

Apparently my family decided to start a gingerbread house tradition last year, so since we were around in time we showed up for this major event! The twins were fashionably late because of a much needed nap, but i went ahead over to get started. There were both houses and village kits and I chose the village. I got as far as "gluing" one house together and getting frustrated with the runny icing that didn't stay where i put it. Then i promptly gave up, as did most of my fellow "village constructors/decorators". It seemed that those people who chose to instead decorate a house came out with much better results. Oh well... the candy was yummy at least!
the "on time" crew
my new friend Richard...aka cousin anna's beau

the finished product Grandpa and Nora and matching eyes
this is how she likes to makes things a little difficult for me, but i secretly love it
playing with her big kid cousins
so serious

i like that hat Jeremy, can i try it on?

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