We were having some trouble with Nora vomiting before we came home and had to have some blood taken. Everything came back looking normal, and eventually she quit throwing up, but the blood taking experience was about the most awful thing we've had to do thus far--both in her own life as well as in my life as a mommy!
The poor little girl's arm is so teeny tiny and there are definitely no veins in sight, it took 4, yes that is right, 4 sticks to hit a vein. And then, it wasn't even just a stick, but digging and searching with the needle in her little arm. I have never heard her scream quite like that and she has definitely done some screaming in her little life. I held it together for 2 sticks but with the third i was crying too as she was looking at me while i was holding her down like "mom, why are you letting them do this?"
The nurses finally called in some specialist from another part of the hospital. He thankfully was successful on the first try...i don't think mine heart, nor Norabird's little arms could take it anymore.
Here's her aftershot pictures so that everyone else can feel sorry for her too.
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