So, finally got a few of the the pictures from Mike's ride so we could post-- It's been almost a month now.
If you didn't know this about Mike, when we first met he was an avid rider. He even participated in the Cycle North Carolina--a ride that takes about a week and is over 450 miles from Boone to Wilmington. He sold his bike right before his 1st deployment in '02 and then--you know the story, he's been gone so much since he just never picked it up again. When he got back from this last deployment we agreed to get a starter bike so he could start back up riding.
The Honolulu Century Ride (HCR) is a 100 mile race along the windward portion of the island, there is a map below showing the route. The red line is 50 miles--and then they turned around and rode the 50 back to the starting point. About 3800 riders participated.

Mike and some of his friends/coworkers formed a team and they rode the race together. Because it was a team effort, the HCR wasn't so much of a "race" as it was just to get everyone to the finish. There were 6 guys on the team, all at different riding levels. This is a pic of the team in their 25th Infantry Division jerseys before they started the race. It took them about 6.5 hours to finish--which is a bit slow, but everyone did finish together and Mike was very proud of them all. --that's Mike in the middle if you can't tell!

Because they guys were representing the ARMY, they got a bit more coverage. This is a pic of an article about the guys and their ride in the base paper. Mike is on the far right in this pic. I have been watching the newspaper website for them to post the article online...but the website runs about 2 months behind, so this pic will have to do.
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