Thursday, December 10, 2009

Burns Babies First Night at Home

Our first night at home started out quite uneventful, which we fully expected being that the babies are already on a routine from the hospital and they sleep literally all the time.

Mike and I settled back in the house, unpacked our things and spent the evening holding our little ones. Oliver was super glad to see us and even took to the babies pretty well. All in all it was a nice relaxing evening.

And then came nighttime.... We had actually had Nora in the hospital room with us the night before we left and she did great--but last night was a whole different story. I know it was a lot of adjustment to their little bodies...a new bed to sleep in, a much quieter house, a much darker room--even though we played with the lights off and on throughout the night trying to see if it would make a difference, it didn't. So with all these new things going on around them, they cried most of the night, taking turns of course instead of both at the same time, which meant there wasn't much of a break between 10pm-430am--sure kept Mommy and Daddy on their toes! After that, i guess they were finally worn out and this morning has been much quieter and they seem back to their old selves. Hopefully tonight will go a bit better!

Olie enjoying the new box...we weren't sure he was going to be able to get himself in this, but he figured it out!
Daddy and his 2 boysThis is how we finally solved all the crying last night. We have been swaddling them in blankets since being in the hospital, but last night regular receiving blankets weren't cutting it. So i went digging in their closets for the swaddle blankets that i affectionately like to call "straight jackets" and it seemed to work like magic.


Anonymous said...

you two have some pretty beautiful babies!!! I sent your package a couple weeks ago so you should have it by now, just makin sure it got their. Love all of you!!! give the babies kisses for us!

Megan Tetter said...

Swaddle those babies up! Glad you guys are home.