Saturday, December 12, 2009


We are just wrapping up our 2nd full day with our babies at home and everything's going well. It's like everything we do is a new experience now that we have our little ones here doing it with us.

We had our first doctor's appointment this afternoon and all is well. The main reason for the check up so close to our discharge is just to make sure the babies are gaining weight. The normal gain is 20-30 grams a day and they had both gained right at 100 grams in 2 days--which is great! We don't have to go back for another appointment now until their 1 month and it will be with a regular pediatrician instead of the NICU. Thank God for our healthy babies!

So far the babies have taken their first naps in their own cribs--together...currently they are sleeping in bassinets in our rooms until we get their monitors installed...we have taken them on their first stroller walk which they didn't really like all that much, but hopefully they will get used to it cause momma needs to do some major walking to get back into shape. They have taken their first baths in their new home and prolly screamed so loud that the neighbors could hear. They also ran their first errands with mom and dad after the appointment today so we could get some Christmas lights and 2 more stockings...the errands went great, they slept the whole time, no crying--only thing is we attract quite a bit of attention anywhere we go!

Here are some pics from the last few days.

Sharing a nap in Holden's crib

checking each other out

getting ready for our walk
Nora --so little even the snuzzler doesn't quite help with the fit


waiting for mommy and daddy to take us to the doctor

trying to eat my brother

best buds!