Nothing exactly monumental has been going on thr past few days, but i thought i would post a few photos just case you were missing the babies!
Also, here are some videos, mostly of Nora during her small window of "wakefulness" today--Holden hasn't had his yet as you can see in his video. It's been a very sleepy day for him!
Nora and her paci
looking a little bored

Holden "sacked out"

Me and my babies

loving Nora, like her shirt says. She kinda looks like..."aw mom!"

cutie pie

Nora Awake
Nora and her Paci
Sleepy Holden
I love Nora's sneeze. It's really cute!-Jennifer and Eric and Carrie and Emily
soooo nora's paci is as big as her face...that is so adorable! thanks for the videos... a perfect way to end my day! love u
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