Pretty Nora--i love her crossed feet, a little lady!

So Sweet!
Holden was a little worried.. He said he didn't know what a grandpa is. He pulls at his face when he feels this way.
The paci helps with the worry. He's showing off his snazzy overalls here. Thanks Grandma Cottle-he's so cute in them!
Sleepy Baby and his 'boo-boo lip'

Pretty Baby and her bow

After the plane landed Nora got a little anxious waiting for Grandpa to come to baggage claim so mommy and daddy decided to take her out of her seat and take a picture--Holden was being a sleepy head
Checking our our sleepyhead
Grandpa's flight came in during feeding time, so before we left the airport Grandpa got to give his first bottle to Nora
and then burp her
Nora is thinking "who is this funny man holding me?"

I'm feeding Holden, but Grandpa got to burp him
Snuggling at home...and already have a Jamba Juice (notice the end table)

We spent our first few days in the house just getting acquainted and loving on the babies. Today was our first outing with Grandpa. We went to get frozen yogurt at Menchie's and then to the grocery store. Because of the two car seats the truck gets pretty crowded, but we found room for Grandma in between the babies...and although it was a bit tight, i am pretty sure she thinks it's the best seat available and she's prolly right!
We LOVE Jamba Juice! And Chris' family is always asking what it is! Yummm I guess they aren't in NC!
I love Nora's outfit... SO CUTE!!
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