Wednesday, December 10, 2014

November Randoms

and for everything else that happened in our busy November...

Papaw came to visit.

this is how i wake up most mornings (thanks to my early rising husband) my 3 babies coming in my room and climbing on my bed to tell me good morning and 
hugs for Daddy before work
Library Story Time.  We haven't been as regular this year as we have in the past...but they still love it and now Davis can participate too!
Davis learning his lessons....
the life of a 2 year old is full of ups and downs and let's be honest, he spends a lot of time in the corner and getting "talked to".  This is his signature stance while taking his lecture... hands behind his back, chin up and eyes down... i can't help but chuckle about it every time 
my littlest doing what he does best...playing.  this time he was looking for his "choo choo's"...
obviously not where he thought they should be he kept shouting "choo choo, where are you?"
we made a couple of quick trips to a-town too...and the kids got some good snuggles from Nana and Poppy
this got left off the Thanksgiving post, but it should not be forgotten.  the twins wore their hats made at preschool to Thanksgiving Lunch.  
A trip to Cracker Barrel on our way home from a-town always makes my kiddos happy---i mean who doesn't want a mouthful of pancakes? 
after bath snuggles with this beautiful child
mommy, STICKIES!  
this is a classic Davis pout...
Nora as usual, loving all things stuffed...took her Thanksgiving turkey hat, wrapped it in an apron and put it to bed in the grocery basket.  Oh the irony. 
making popcorn cake balls for their birthday party at school
Davis developed a love for corn dogs and does a surprising job of eating around the stick.  that was always a problem for the twins at his age. 

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