Sunday morning we all woke up and got ready to go to Oakhurst with Mom and Scott. It was good to see some old friends and give Mom the chance to show off the babies. Of course Mom added herself to nursery duty because "she knows their routine" :) We all know the real reason is that Nana wants to be with our cute kiddos as much as she can!
After church we went to have lunch at my dads house. Grandpa and Grandma Caudle were very happy to hang out with the babies.
Holden flashing his killer grin
Mommy and Nora showing off their "jumping on brother" game
...its hard to tell here, but Holden really thinks this is funny
this is the "drool on brother" part
We love our little boy!
We waited a little late to take pictures and Holden was tired and hungry here, we will try to get back together for a better picture before I leave--but this one is pretty cute
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