What? did we revert back about 3.5 months? Cause we haven't had such a night since then. My sweet, good sleeping babies had it pretty rough. First Holden fought sleep HARD and it took forever for him to quit crying and just about the time he quit Nora started up AND she really didn't stop...At least every hour, if not a few times an hour she woke up crying, babbling, calling out for us. We tried it all..ignoring, feeding, putting in the paci, picking her up and holding her--she obviously just wanted to be awake and Mommy and Daddy DIDN'T--we hadn't had much sleep the night before because of some rain/roof leakage issues and were really looking forward to some sleep. Then after a long night, at 6 am they were both up and at 'em and by 7:30 both were cranky pants again--thankfully Nora went down but Holden was teething and it took over an hour to get him quiet and fall asleep. THEN...I CRASHED...for 1.5 hours before Nora was crying out for me again... oh being a Mommy of twins!
But after all that, Day 9 turned into a good day. I took the babies on a long walk while Daddy, Mamaw and Papaw played golf. It was so HOT compared to HI and a bit buggy--but it was such a beautiful day I was just glad to be out. What I also noticed as walking is that absolutely every car that passed by, the driver waved. Man, its so good to be back in NC where people are so friendly.
We also worked on our sitting up today, Nora's really getting the hang of it--she still topples after a few seconds, but it's a big improvement from a few weeks ago when she'd just arch her back and scream.
This is what Holden looks like permanently...hand in mouth...at least he's smiling here!
Then we had a surprise today. The Jones Family came to visit! Mikes sister, Mandy and her husband and kids came by today to see us. We were planning on them spending the day with us tomorrow but it was a good surprise today!
Cameron, Holden and Caitlyn--i can't believe how big they are!
It was so good getting to spend the afternoon w you guys!
just fyi jess, i made those blankies that your precious babies are all swaddled in, so you're welcome :)
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