So i kinda designated this weekend as MY weekend...considering it's both my birthday and my first mother's day on the same just can't fit all that excitement into one day, so it's a whole weekend of fun (and just FYI, this started on Friday!)
This morning, i woke up to presents and babies in my bed. It was super awesome. My husband is the best!
What's this on my head Mom?

My birthday present this year is a Nikon D5000
DSLR...yeah, that's a lot of letters and numbers, but let me just say its a NICE camera. We needed a new camera anyway because the one Mike had taken on his deployments in the past is dead, so we decided to let him have my Sony camera and then get a super nice one for me to have. It seems like in the past 5 months or so i have really started taking a lot more pics...i wonder why?
Me with my new camera

Reading my
bday cards to Holden

Mike, Nora and Oliver were watching us open presents...I call this the "before" picture

Oliver what are you doing?

and this is the "after" picture...
Olie stealing Nora's ribbon...she's not quite ready to give it up though!

Daddy and Nora...she's blowing bubbles/spitting, it's her new favorite thing to do

After presents, we moved downstairs to hang out for awhile before morning naps. I used this time to play with my new camera.
I love these faces..."
what'd we do Mommy?"

My excited boy!

look at those baby blues!

Holden in his
jumparoo..very happy!

For lunch we met some friends, Jenn and Kevin, at my favorite Mexican restaurant, Los Garcias, in Kailua. Favorite is just a relative term though, it's the best i've had on the island, but still doesn't come close to San Felipe's....(Oh San Felipe how i love thee...we're counting down the days till we're in your comfy booths eating California burritos and San Felipe Cheese Chickens..mmmm). After Mexican, Mike and i decided to try a new crepe place that was recommended to us. Yeah, we had just stuffed ourselves with Mexican, but we hardly make it over to this side of the island anymore, so we just took advantage of it!
No Ka 'Oi, means "the best"...and they were pretty tasty...although, i may have had better on the streets of Greece...but i'm certainly not complaining!

Waiting on the deliciousness with my baby girl

Mike with his cinnamon and apple crepe...i got one with
nutella, strawberries and bananas..
mmm good!

As we were leaving the parking lot, i spied this nugget of excitement...a great photographic opportunity!
What do you see?

What about now?

The babies didn't get an afternoon nap today and therefore COMPLETELY CRASHED upon returning home...early bedtime at 5pm = nice relaxing night for Mommy and Daddy!
More to come tomorrow!
Happy Mother's Day to all the mother's out there...especially all my "new mommy" friends out there...and of course to my mom! LOVE YOU ALL!
oh i am sooooooo excited about your camera (and a little jealous!!!)
Happy Birthday!
Happy Mother's Day!
Hello All!
Sooooo excited for your visit!
Auntie Beth
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