Yeah, it's as awesome as it sounds. My good friend from church has a son who just turned 1 and they had his birthday celebration at this very cool venue that i would probably never have even known about otherwise. It was an absolutely gorgeous day and the babies were great--even with no naps!
To get to the island you have to park at a dock and ride a small ferry over. Here are a few pics while waiting for the ferry.

Riding on the ferry away from the dock, we had a great view of the Ko'olau Mtns. Their formations really are amazing.

the dock

Nora's first boat ride

Holden got to ride with Uncle Rick...

the party shelter on the island

Holden getting used to the pokey pieces in the grass

view of the beach from the shelter

our beach set-up

Anna and Nora in the water...Nora LOVED IT!

Holden giving me love

a turtle came to the party too!

playing so good

HRB was very interested in the outriggers

we had lunch under the shelter...look at them sitting like big kids!

Trying out Uncle John's Chair

This is the Mersburg Family and birthday boy, Eli. He LOVED the cake!


Holden showing us his "face"

my little monster girl

LOVE this smile!



Anna and our own personal palm tree for the day

we tried for a group we got

and last one on the ferry back. what a great day!
It is wonderful that you are documenting all these experiences and sharing with us! Thank you. Love Auntie Beth
I am glad you are back on the blogging train. thanks for the updates! I heart the picture of Nora with that monster towel over her her head and she is holding the cup. great shot. love you!
that looked like fun! Eli is 1? Seriously?!
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