Here we are in front of the aquarium. Nora didn't make the picture apparently--oops.
The first thing we saw in the aquarium is this albino alligator...pretty awesome huh? I'm not much for taking lots of pictures of the animals/fish we see, because years from now what will i really want with those pics? but i couldn't really pass this up..she doesn't even look real, but i assure you it is not a statue!
Nora smiling at me through the trees while i take pics of the gator.
Then we came to the other alligators...that apparently were especially aggressive today. They were all lounging around their exhibit then all of a sudden the formed a pack and started growling. I had no idea that alligators growled...and man was it loud. I am very certain had their not been glass between us and the gators we would not have made it. They were ready to attack us all! I did get some awesome pics though!
The only tank that caught Holden's attention...horseshoe crabs
sleepy sleepy boy...and i would also like to point out that HI is missing from this map!
On the ferry ride back to Southport we had a good chance to take some fun pics. Riding over it was a bit misty and we didn't get out of the car, but the weather was perfect on the way back!
To my great excitement, we made it to Prov Co for dinner. It was so good i wish i could go a few more times before we leave! Shrimp and Crabcakes...YUMMY!
So glad to see you guys having a fun family relaxing time! Love you all! Can't wait for you to get back! Love you, Grandma Anne
Loved having ya'll here. Miss you already! Send me pics!
Hey Jessi,
I've loved seeing your visit to NC. I know what you mean about taking pictures of animals, but Olivia LOVES animals so everywhere we go we take pictures of animals we see and I have made them into mini photobooks (through I got BOGO). Now that Olivia is talking some, she can tell us what the animals are and the sounds they make. A great learning tool!
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