But alas, the babies were calling, so we got up had some playtime with the twins and Carter.
The big plans for this day was the family cookout where people from all sides of our families came together to eat dinner, celebrate the twins 6 mo. bday and for most have a chance to meet the twins. It's so hard to get everywhere and see everyone while we are home so get-togethers like this are nice to have.
The twins met so many new people on this day--i wish i could say i had a picture of everyone who came, but i don't. I did hear we had almost 80 people present though!
Nora and Aunt Paula
Nora and Uncle Dane
Uncle Gary's funny face with Holden
Aunt Vicki and Nora
Twins with Anna, Vicki and Jimmy
Nora and Hilda
Aunt Beth and Holden
Gram and Nora
Grandpa is flippin' burgers!
Aunt Shirley and Daddy
Cousin Layne and Holden
Aunt Nancy and Aunt Libby with the Twins
Nana and Nora
Uncle Alex and Nora
Nanny Katie, Tim, Auntie Heather and Chris

Papaw, Daddy and Mamaw
I realize that celebrating a 6 month bday is a little much, but we wanted to do something for the babies on their birthday while Mike could be around since he will most likely be gone on their 1 year birthday. Chances are also that we will be in Hawaii on the twins 1 year birthday so while we were with the family we thought we'd have a little celebration. The babies were just so cute in their hats!

This couch shot is my favorite while we have been home--this is all the grand kids on the Butt Family side that were able to be present...we were missing 4 who were not able to make it to the party.
Papaw, Daddy and Mamaw
This couch shot is my favorite while we have been home--this is all the grand kids on the Butt Family side that were able to be present...we were missing 4 who were not able to make it to the party.
Lt-Rt: Nora, Carrie, Holden, Emily, Madison, Mayson

Twins with Grandpa Sam
such good friends they're like family!
Holden riding Grandpa's shoulders!
With Grandma and Grandpa Caudle...the organizers of the event! Thanks so much for everything, we love you!
Twins and Grandpas
Twins with Grandpa Sam
It was a very long day and i was worried how the babies would do meeting so many people, being passed around so much and missing their naps...but considering everything i thought they did fabulous! It was a great day and we were so glad to see everyone. We have such wonderful friends and family and miss you all very much!
1 comment:
Jess, your pics are great! The one of the kiddos on the couch is cute. We love you guys and it was soooo awesome to see you all. Love you!
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